Thursday, December 21, 2017

Another year and come and gone...

     Well that time of year has come again,  when we pause to give thanks and reflect over the past twelve months. We have had staff say goodbye and new ones join us. We have had lots of events to help out the GAAP (global alliance people and pets) a mission to northern Ontario, and another team leaving this spring 2018. Conferences come and go, learning never stops. Especially around here!
     With Chistmas just around the corner, we want to remind you of the following:

       *During this holiday season, many lights are displayed. With these lights come electric cords. Pets can find these cords interesting and fun chew toys. Electric shock or electric burns can occur.
  • Christmas tree tinsel can be a serious problem if ingested. Tinsel on the tree is a fun play toy for dogs and cats.
  • Live Christmas trees can become a fire hazard and a house fire can occur. Pets trapped in fires may suffer from thermal burns, smoke inhalation or carbon monoxide poisoning.
  • Many special foods are made during the holidays. Chocolate is a popular food. Excessive chocolate can be toxic to dogs and cats.
  • Inquisitive pets may tear open wrapped gifts and could destroy the contents of the gift. Limiting access to the gift area will eliminate this potential disaster.
  • Ingestion of large amounts of high fat foods can result in serious gastrointestinal upset.

Take Special Care with Antifreeze. Buy antifreeze that does not contain ethylene glycol. Antifreeze is very toxic due to this chemical component. It is sweet and tasty to pets, and lethal even in small quantities. Buy brands that do not contain ethylene glycol, such as Sierra®, and be sure to keep all antifreeze out of reach of your pets. Even antifreeze without ethylene glycol is toxic in large quantities.
Beep Your Horn. Cats often curl up in warm engines in the winter and suffer severe injury from the fan belt when the engine is started. Beeping your horn before starting your engine can help scare cats away.
Prevent Frostbite. Frostbite is injury to tissue that occurs when an animal is exposed to freezing temperatures (often accompanied by high winds). Keep your pet warm — provide warm bedding indoors. Minimize exposure to cold temperatures, especially pets that are used to being primarily in warm climates or indoors. Provide good bedding and warm doghouses for outdoor dogs. Severely cold temperatures are intolerable for even the toughest of pets. When the temperature is below freezing, consider allowing your pet to spend sometime indoors. Consider adding a doggie door to the garage or basement door to allow safe escape from severe temperatures.
Take Special Care Around Bodies of Water. Be careful around frozen lakes and bodies of water as weak areas can allow pets to fall through. Keep your pets on a leash and do not allow them to navigate on the ice.

  • Don’t use edible ornaments or fragile, easily breakable glass decorations to trim the tree. Your pet may knock over the tree trying to get to them and your dog may decide they’re toys and cut himself trying to play with them.
  • Don’t use angel hair. It’s made of spun glass and can cause irritation on contact.
  • Make sure electrical cords are out of reach, taped firmly to walls or floors. Chewing on wires may cause burns or pulmonary edema (fluid in the lungs), which can be fatal.
  • Don’t use wire ornament hooks that can easily snag an ear or a tail, or, if swallowed, can lodge in the throat or intestines. Instead, fashion loops of yarn, ribbons or light weight twine. And be careful not to leave any of that lying around.

  • After each walk, wash off your pet’s feet. This will remove any ice and road salt that can cause excessive dryness.
  • Trim the hair between your pet’s toes to reduce the chance of collecting ice and snow crystals.
  • Petroleum jelly can be placed on the surface of the pads, especially prior to walking outdoors.
  • For serious cases, special booties made of neoprene can be used to protect the footpads.

With these in mind, we wish you happy and joyous holidays and a fantastic NEW YEAR. Yeah 2018!

PS.... Please also remember National dental Health Month is fast approaching February 1st. Be sure to flip a lip and check out your pets teeth....