Thursday, December 22, 2016

Looking for a pet name? Check out the wackiest names of 2016...

 New pet to the family, and trying to decide on a name? Check this out...

Top 50 Wacky Dog Names of 2016
  1. McLoven the Stud Muffin
  2. Kanye Westie
  3. Angus Von Wigglebottom
  4. SuperFunCoconutDog
  5. Optimus Prime Rib
  6. Maximus Waffles
  7. ChaChi Big Foot
  8. Scrappin Scruffy Macdoogle of the Highland Macdoogles
  9. Lieutenant Colonel Be Back Soon
  10. Aggie Von Schwaggie
  11. Abner Doubledoodle
  12. Arrow Bumblebee Bruno
  13. Baja Betty
  14. Bear Paws Lord Of The Dance
  15. Benjamin Pickles
  16. Boon Bon Wrinkler
  17. Captain Jack Barkypants
  1. Catfish Hobbs
  2. Champagne Charlie
  3. Chauncey Peppertooth
  4. Chazz Porter
  5. Chicky Chippo The Fox Demon
  6. Chief Frederick Prince Manbearpig Pace
  7. Chief Tator Tot
  8. Hugo Abelard Le Meatball
  9. Jabba The Pug
  10. Jack Purves The Doody Boy
  11. Justa Dog J.D
  12. Katie Scarlett Of Chattapoochie
  13. Lady Doodle Savage
  14. Leilei Puppypoo Mcclure
  15. Lordess Niblonia Of Townsend Manor
  16. Mackeys Molly Bea Of Dawson Farms
  17. Master Humphrey Beauguardus
  1. Ninja Roo The Fox Demon Ii
  2. Odysseys Hot Shot Of Aspenhill
  3. Oh So Rosenberg
  4. Olly Duke Of Kashmir
  5. Peaches Sweetpea King Walker
  6. Pocketful O Barley
  7. Polkadot Sox
  8. Princess Poo Poo Provolone
  9. Professor Monty Waffles
  10. Savage Seahawk Sofie
  11. Seargent Buzzbomb
  12. Sir Winchster Mcsniffems
  13. Tazz The Jazz Dog
  14. The Great Pepperoni
  15. Tipper Crackerjack
  16. Zsa Zsa Chanel
Top 50 Wacky Cat Names of 2016
  1. Agent Jack Meower
  2. Shakespurr
  3. Meowmadeus
  4. Macaroni Bob
  5. Sir Pickles Pennybottom
  6. Princess Poopy Paws
  7. Butch Catsidy
  8. Sharkbait Hoo Haa Haa
  9. Ziggy Snowdust
  10. Enzo Asparagus Santa
  11. Alistair Mcsprinkle
  12. Aoki The Cattywhompus
  13. Augustus Finknottle
  14. Claws Von Stauffenberg Sachs
  15. Daisy Night-Night
  16. Dandelion Fluff
  17. Dasher Dash Walsh
  1. Doc Meowenstein
  2. Dodge Mcfergus
  3. Dr. Mcsnuggles
  4. Flopsy Mopsy
  5. Fuzzy Britches
  6. Henry Harrison Orangefellow
  7. Jasper Noodles
  8. Johnny Neckbone
  9. Katniss Catman Simba Hoose
  10. Kevin Peterschmidt Bigglesworth Iii
  11. Kung Fu Kitty
  12. Lightning Lilly
  13. Lilu Dallas Multipass
  14. Madame Mao
  15. Maple Lobstah
  16. Mayor Pawington
  17. Mr.Meowmakins
  1. Pancho Scuddles
  2. Professor Peppermint
  3. Scottopotomus
  4. Sir Percival B. Snuggledumpling
  5. Snookholtz Bucholtz
  6. Spartacus Creamsicle
  7. Sunny Summersunburst
  8. Tennesse Tuxedo
  9. Thea Feisty Squeaker
  10. Tiny Thursday
  11. Tobee Wan Kenobe
  12. Toothless Truffle
  13. Tootie Mccarter
  14. Walker Of Cohencats
  15. Zabio The Magnificent
  16. Zarblu Suede Shoes