So the warmer weather has finally arrived. With that being said there are many seasonal hazards for us to consider for our pets.
Firstly heat. Make sure pets that are outdoors have plenty of shade and cool water to stay hydrated. Tough winter coats that haven't been able to shed can be a nuissance. Consider having your dog's coat bathed and low dried using our super power blower. It can blow dead hair out in a matter of seconds. Secondly grooming. Long coats can be shortened in the summer months. Consider a trip to the grooming salon to ease with heat.
BBQ time. Foreign bodies are not fun. That's the term we call it in the veterinary world. A foreign body = something that should not be in the body. Corn cobs are notorious for getting obstructed in the gastrointestinal tract. These can be potentially dangerous no matter how small the size is. Please keep corn cobs away from pets.
Fireworks. Loud and noisy, pets really are not a fan of loud fireworks. If you know that your pet is nervous of thunderstorms or fireworks please ensure they are in a safe area where they cannot hurt themselves. playing music or the television louder to drown out the thunder or fireworks can also sometimes help. If you pet is severely anxious please contact us and speak to your veterinarian.
Many pets chew on plants in the yard and garden. Fortunately for
dogs, who seem to enjoy eating grass and then vomiting, most grasses are
Most garden and food producing plants are non-toxic to pets, and only
result in mild gastrointestinal upset when ingested. That said, here
are a few common summer plants that can cause concerns when eaten by
Rhubard leaves contain oxalic acid, calcium oxalate and potassium oxalate and
can result in oral and gastrointestinal irritation causing vomiting and
diarrhea.4 Treatment includes symptomatic and supportive care.
Left untreated most cats die
of kidney failure. Lily of the valley, Oleander, Kalanchoe, and Azaleas
are spring and summer plants that can be deadly to pets if ingested in
large enough quantities. Dogs should be watched carefully when these
plants are being cared for.