Monday, September 26, 2011

It's coming, and you are invited!

our front doors

Adding the flooring in the front
 It may seem like all we are talking about is the construction of the new facilty and moving.  We are all eager including our patients! The flooring has just gone in, and the walls are painted.  Getting close to the end. We will be moving over the last weekend of October, and will be open and ready for appointments on the Monday morning of October 31st.  Our official
           OPEN HOUSE will be
           Saturday Nov 5th, from
                  2 pm - 5 pm.

We will be having our Ribbon Cutting ceremony at 2pm sharp with Dr. Lechten and the Mayor of Barrie, Jeff Lehman. Following the ceremony, will be hospital tours, video slideshows, door prizes, contests, hydrotherapy demonstration, facepainting, cake and refreshments. Don't miss out on your chance of seeing behind the scene of our veterinary hospital! Hope to see you there!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Community Events from the weekend...

Melissa and Natalie down by the South Shore Center
Sunday September 11, 2011, was the annual Ovarian Cancer walk in Barrie. They  started the walk-a thon at the South Shore Center and continued around the bay and back.  Allandale Veterinary Hospital was proud to sponsor the canine watering station. Here are a few pics from the day.

On the same day we were also at Paws for a Cause Family Day.
From 2004 to 2009, PAWS FOR A CAUSE raised over $52,000 for Canadian Guide Dogs for the Blind.  Another $8,900 was dog-ear marked in 2010, support of The Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guide Program.  In total:  10 Guide Dogs, and 2 Hearing-Ear dogs have now been sponsored and assist people in our community and from across the region.
Ovarian Cancer Walk-A-Thon
Organized by Pet Country Estate, together with the South Barrie, Thornton and Gilford Lions Clubs, and Pet Country Estate is  proud to support The Lions Foundation of Canada.  These very special dogs provide vital assistance to people living with physical or medical disabilities, vision or hearing impairment, or autism. Our Allandale Vet Team was out to help some a little face painting and answer any questions about our hospital!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

An Itchy- Scratchy Time Of Year

Atopy is a pruritic (itchy) skin disease of animals that is caused by an allergy to substances in the environment that are contacted through the air, either by absorption through the respiratory tract or contact through the skin. Atopy is thought to be an inherited disease. It is the second most common allergic skin condition in dogs.
Symptoms of atopy usually begin relatively early in life, often by one year of age. Symptoms usually are seasonal at first, with most dogs showing clinical signs in the summer months when airborne allergens
(such as plant pollens) are present in higher concentrations. As atopic dogs age, their symptoms tend to become less seasonal as they become allergic to more substances. Eventually, their itchiness can occur year-round.

Dogs with atopy are usually itchy, particularly the hands and feet. The skin may be red and irritated due to scratching, and the ears may also be inflamed. The symptoms of food allergy are difficult to distinguish from those of atopy.

What to Watch For

  • Chewing at the paws

  • Scratching the muzzle or rubbing it on the ground or with the paws

  • Scratching the ears

  • Shaking the head

    Diagnostic tests are necessary to rule out other skin diseases, as well as to support the diagnosis of atopy. These tests may include:

  • A complete medical history and perform a thorough physical examination, especially checking the ears and the skin of the face and paws. Often, abnormalities may not be detected on the physical examination of dogs with atopy. Occasionally, redness between the toes or around the muzzle of the face is the only finding.

  • Skin scrapings to eliminate other diagnoses such as demodectic or sarcoptic mange (caused by mites).

  • Fungal culture to rule out ringworm.

  • Skin testing (or occasionally blood testing) to determine specific allergens to which your pet may be allergic.